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Recording Studio

Professional Music Recording Studio Field Trip

Do you have a child that loves to perform? Or perhaps a child that strives to pursue a career in music production?

Join us for an immersive, hands-on learning experience.

Where: Phat Planet Studios in Orlando, FL

When: July 21, 2025 10am-3pm

Ages: Middle & High School Students

Chaperones: One chaperone for every student

Group Size: 12 total (including chaperones)

Space is limited, due to room in their studio. If you are interested, click below and send me an email.

Please include if you are interested in performing, what you would like to perform, or if you prefer to mix and produce. 

Recording Studio

Immersive Recording Studio Experience

Ultimate Music Production Learning Opportunity

Join Busy Bee Homeschool Hive for an exciting hands-on experience in music production at Phat Planet Recording Studio! Enjoy a guided tour of the studio, engage in brainstorming sessions and dive into with the expertise of professional producers and recording engineers. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the music industry and unleash your creativity! Don't miss out on this unique adventure!

Child Star


Brainstorm with ideas, instruments, beats, chord progression, and other main song elements.

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